Thieves Allegedly Stole a Gardenia bread truck later found outside a Mosque

1 min read

Last updated on May 13th, 2021 at 05:38 am

PETALING JAYA – With MCO affecting its supplies in th market, these thieves allegedly stole an bread truck and abandoned it outside the mosque.

The crime was reported by Mohamad Khairi Mansor, an employee of the bread company, asking the public to keep an eye out for the stolen. It was allegedly stolen by thieves when it was on route making deliveries to 15 different stores.

Gardenia already filed a police report however the truck were later found in the town of Kijal in Terengganu, parked outside a mosque, untouched. Gardenia Bakeries KL (GBKL) has released a statement saying the driver of the truck are safe and all the items inside the truck were currently in the possesion of the police. All merchandise were disposed and the entire truck sanitized.

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