Achmad Yurianto

7 new cases, Indonesia’s tally of confirmed COVID-19 cases rises to 34

There are seven new confirmed COVID-19 cases that have been confirmed by Indonesian government. This new cases bringing the country’s…

March 12, 2020

Additional Eight Covid-19 new cases confirmed in Indonesia, total is now 27 patients

There are more additions of novel coronavirus cases within weeks. The Indonesian government announced on Tuesday (10/3), eight more novel…

March 11, 2020

Govt guarantees coronavirus tests free of charge

The public are guaranteed to have free of charge for coronavirus tests. This was stated by the government’s COVID-19 or…

March 10, 2020

2 New Patients Added, Indonesia Confirms Six Persons Test Positive for Covid-19

Corona virus has widened the spread of outbreak in Indonesia. The Indonesian government announced on Sunday that two more people…

March 9, 2020

Indonesia has announced two new coronavirus cases, will discover the others

It has added more new patients from Covid-19 case after the announcement of the first two cases four days before.…

March 7, 2020

Dream World cruise ship near Bintan, Indonesian Government plans to evacuate its citizens

Secretary of the Directorate General of Disease Prevention and Control of the Health Ministry Dr. Achmad Yurianto said the Indonesian…

February 22, 2020

A Navy Hospital Ship is prepared to Evacuate Indonesian crew members from Diamond Princess Cruise Ship

As many 74 Indonesian citizens who have been quarantined due to coronavirus outbreak will be planned to be brought home…

February 22, 2020

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