Retno Marsudi

Ventilator assistance from US and Australia, 100 units each have arrived in Indonesia

The ventilator assistance from the United States (US) as many 100 units have arrived in Indonesia on Wednesday, July 22.…

July 23, 2020

Strongly condemning West Bank Israel annexation plan, Indonesian Foreign Affairs Minister writes letter to 30 countries

Indonesia reiterated its strong stance on Israel's planned annexation of the West Bank in early July. In recent months, the…

June 10, 2020

Against COVID-19, G20 Summit Mandates WHO to Accelerate Corona Vaccine Research

The World Health Organization (WHO) is given the mandate to coordinate the search for vaccines for the new corona virus…

March 27, 2020

Three Indonesian Crew Members aboard Diamond Princess Cruise Ship test positive for COVID-19

As many 18 Indonesian crew members on the Diamond Princess cruise ship that quarantined off Yokohama in Japan, showed test…

February 19, 2020

Evacuation, Last Flight to Carry All Indonesian Citizens from China

Transportation Minister Budi Karya Sumadi said the last flight will carry all Indonesian citizens from China before a temporary ban…

February 4, 2020

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