Teodoro Locsin

The Rift Between Locsin and Duque Escalates

Philippines - The infighting between two Cabinet individuals on the supposed bungled 50-million needle bargain has arrived at President Duterte,…

December 15, 2021

The Philippines has criticized China’s actions in the South China Sea

Philippines - Three Chinese Coast Guard ships halted and deployed water cannons on two Manila supply boats on their route…

November 19, 2021

The Unexpected Rage in the West Philippine Sea

Philippines - Three Chinese coast monitor vessels constrained a Philippines' resupply mission in the West Philippine Sea to cut short…

November 18, 2021

The Surprising Highlight of Teodoro Locsin for Nature Abuse Gains Attention

Philippines- The Humanity's maltreatment of nature is presently blowing back on all individuals. This is what Foreign Affairs Secretary Teodoro…

November 2, 2021

Philippines backs Australia’s anti-Chinese nuclear sub pact

Unlike several of its neighbors, the Philippines supports a new US-UK-Australia military alliance aimed at maintaining the Indo-Pacific balance of…

September 22, 2021

ASEAN and China agree to exercise self-restraint over South China Sea

ASEAN and China have come to an agreement to exercise self-restraint over the disputed South China Sea (SCS) to expand…

June 11, 2021

A New Protest Awaits Over the West Philippine Sea

Here’s the next thing about the status in West Philippine Sea, International concerns Secretary Teodoro Locsin Jr. on requested the…

May 13, 2021

Suprisingly, The President Will Not Attend the ASEAN Meeting

President Rodrigo Duterte won't go to the Association of Southeast Asian Nations culmination in Jakarta, Indonesia, throughout the end of…

April 22, 2021

Is Private Diplomacy a Wise Choice for the Country?

There’s something interesting about the situation happening in the nation. While the protection and unfamiliar secretaries transparently shoot solid explanations…

April 16, 2021

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