Did You Know? A Farm Internship in Taiwan is Opening on June 2024

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did you know a farm internship in taiwan is opening on june 2024

The farm internship program is an initiative by the Taiwan Council of Agriculture (COA) to promote agricultural education and exchange among young people from different countries. The program aims to provide participants with hands-on experience in organic farming, rural tourism, and cultural immersion in Taiwan.

Who can apply for the program?

The program is open to anyone who is between 18 and 35 years old, has a valid passport, and is interested in learning about agriculture and rural life in Taiwan. The program welcomes applicants from various backgrounds and disciplines, as long as they have a passion for nature and sustainability.

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What are the benefits of joining the program?

The program offers a unique opportunity to learn from experienced farmers, interact with local communities, and explore the diverse landscapes and cultures of Taiwan. Participants will also receive a monthly stipend of NT$15,000 (about US$530), free accommodation and meals, and insurance coverage during their stay. The program will cover the cost of round-trip airfare for selected applicants.

How to apply for the program?

The application period for the program is from March 1 to April 30, 2024. Applicants need to fill out an online application form, submit a resume and a motivation letter, and provide two references. The COA will conduct interviews with shortlisted candidates in May and announce the final results in June. The program will run from July to December 2024, with a duration of six months.

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