Covid-19: Banten governor confirms four positive cases of coronavirus

2 min read

Last updated on May 7th, 2021 at 06:56 am

New cases for coronavirus or COVID-19 outbreak have been spread to province of Banten. According to Banten Governor Wahidin Halim confirmed on Thursday that four positive cases of coronavirus based on a report from the provincial health office.

“They have just returned from travelling to Malaysia and Bali,” Wahidin said here on Thursday.

As informed, the four residents who have contracted coronavirus infection are undergoing treatment at two hospitals in Jakarta, namely Sulianti Saroso and Persahabatan hospitals. These hospitals serve as  referral hospitals for people with positive coronavirus infection.

For precaution, the governor asked local residents to avoid public gatherings.  Moreover, the residents also advised to not travel to countries hit by coronavirus outbreak.

Wahidin said the public not to panic to response the new cases of virus desease and asked to keep clean and stay healthy.

“I hope the public not to panic. They should remain vigilant, always keep their health, wash their hands with soap, consume nutritious food, take enough rest and always do exercise,” he said in a press statement.

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