South Korea and Indonesia central banks seek to reduce reliance on US dollar

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An agreement was inked by the central banks of South Korea and Indonesia to encourage local currency exchanges between the two nations. The agreement intends to lessen the dependence on the US currency in bilateral commerce and investment.

During a virtual meeting on Monday, the agreement was signed by the governors of the Bank of Korea, Lee Ju-yeol, and the Bank of Indonesia, Perry Warjiyo. In order to facilitate the exchange of local currencies between the two nations during difficult financial circumstances, the central banks will set up a bilateral currency swap agreement worth up to $10 billion.

Financial markets in both nations are anticipated to benefit from the currency swap deal, especially during periods of economic turbulence. For companies in South Korea and Indonesia that now use the US dollar for their cross-border activities, it is also anticipated to reduce transaction costs.

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According to Governor Lee Ju-yeol, “this agreement would boost the financial cooperation between our central banks and help to create deeper economic relations between our two nations. Additionally, it will support the promotion of local currencies in trade and investment, which is an objective for both of our nations in the long run.”

The statement made by Governor Perry Warjiyo that “the currency swap agreement will enhance the resilience of our financial systems and support the stability of our currencies” reflected similar thoughts. “Additionally, it will encourage the use of regional currencies and enable greater economic cooperation between our nations.”

The two central banks’ agreement is a part of a larger movement to encourage the use of regional currencies in international commerce and investment, especially in Asia. Bilateral currency swap agreements are a common strategy used by central banks to support financial stability and economic development as more nations want to minimize their dependence on the US dollar.

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