Anies Baswedan prepares free masks in between Jakarta red zone and rejection of regional quarantine proposal

5 min read

Last updated on May 13th, 2021 at 05:37 am

The request of the Governor of DKI Jakarta, Anies Baswedan, who proposed to President Jokowi to impose regional quarantine was rejected. The reason for Anies’s proposal is because Jakarta is the epicentrum of the distribution of coronavirus. However, the President chose a social scale restriction in place of the area quarantine or lockdown.

The Government of DKI Jakarta itself has conducted 18,077 rapid tests, aka rapid tests of the Corona virus on 6 Jakarta administration areas. The result, as many as 299 people tested positive for COVID-19. Until now the inspection process still continues.

“Rapid tests that have been carried out 18,077 people, as many as 299 tested positive for COVID-19,” said Head of DKI Jakarta Health and Disease Prevention and Control Division Dwi Oktavia during an online conference at City Hall, Wednesday, April 1.

Head of DKI Health Service, Widyastuti said that anyone who rapid tests showed positive or negative would still carry out further examinations. For positive patients will be followed by a swab examination and will be independent isolation or referred to the shelter while waiting for the results of the swab test.

As for negative patients, they are asked to return to the rapid test on days 7-10 after the initial test. Negative patients are also told to be isolated independently or referred to a hospital if the condition worsens.

To date, 29 out of 494 Neighbourhoods (RT) in North Jakarta are in the red zone of the spread of the corona virus (COVID-19). “The determination was because there were residents infected with the corona virus,” said North Maulana Hakim, Chairman of the Task Force for the Acceleration of Handling COVID-19 North Jakarta, Wednesday, April 1, 2020.

Whereas the other 454 Community Associations (RW) are included in the white zone because no one has been infected yet. The city government will keep residents of the area from being infected with COVID-19. “We will localize the red zone so that the virus does not spread,” Ali said.

A number of RT and RW administrators in North Jakarta have taken the initiative to close some residents’ mobility access.

Meanwhile, after Anies Baswedan’s proposal about lockdown or regional quarantine was rejected by President Jokowi, his party would prepare a free mask for DKI Jakarta residents.

“We are preparing to meet the needs of masks in Jakarta through the urban village (kelurahan) route. Because this has been prepared, we want the public to use more masks and we will share them for free later through urban village, RW, RT,” Anies said in a press conference conducted online, at the DKI Jakarta City Hall, Tuesday, March 31, 2020.

Aside from masks, Anies said certain necessities in Jakarta will be safe even for the next two months without supplies.

At the moment the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government and the central government are working on details of policies relating to assistance to the community due to declining economic conditions, including discussing the mechanism and magnitude of aid. Anies discussed with the Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Cultural Affairs (Kemenko PMK), Coordinating Minister for the Economy, Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs, Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs, and Indonesian Cabinet Ministers through a video conference on Tuesday afternoon.

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