Chinese warplanes swarm Taiwan Strait before Pelosi’s visit

People who were briefed on the matter said that US House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi was expected to arrive in Taipei later on Tuesday (August 2), as several Chinese warplanes flew close to the median line dividing the Taiwan Strait, a source told Reuters. Pelosi was expected to arrive as several Chinese warplanes flew close to the median line dividing the Taiwan Strait.

Pelosi’s trip to Taiwan, which China claims as its own territory, has been the subject of repeated warnings from China, but the United States stated on Monday that it will not be intimidated by China’s “sabre rattling” in response to the trip.

According to the person who spoke with Reuters, in addition to Chinese planes flying near to the median line of the sensitive canal on Tuesday morning, multiple Chinese vessels have remained close to the unofficial dividing line since Monday.

According to the source, Chinese warships and aircraft “squeezed” the middle line early on Tuesday morning. This was a highly rare action that the individual described as being “extremely provocative.”

The individual stated that Chinese aircraft frequently executed tactical maneuvers on Tuesday morning, which consisted of briefly “touching” the median line and then circling back to the other side of the strait. This occurred while Taiwanese aircraft were on standby in the vicinity.

In a normal situation, aircraft from neither side will fly across the median line.

The Ministry of Defense of Taiwan issued a statement on Tuesday in which it stated that it is fully aware of all military activity occurring in the vicinity of Taiwan and that it will appropriately dispatch forces in response to “enemy threats.”

Requests for comments were not immediately met with a response from China’s Ministry of Defense or Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

On Tuesday, locals in the city of Xiamen in China’s southeast reported seeing armored vehicles moving throughout the city. They also shared images of the vehicles online. Xiamen is located just across the Taiwan Strait and is home to a significant military presence.

The topic of Pelosi’s visit was the top-trending item on Twitter-like Weibo, and Chinese social media was buzzing with both anxiety about the possibility of conflict and patriotic fervor about the prospect of unification with Taiwan. Pelosi’s visit was the focus of the conversation.

According to a person who is familiar with Pelosi’s itinerary, the majority of her planned meetings, including the one with President Tsai Ing-wen, are scheduled for Wednesday, and it is possible that her delegation will only arrive in Taiwan early on Wednesday. This information was provided by the person who is familiar with Pelosi’s itinerary.

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The guy stated that there is no certainty in anything.

Without citing any specific sources, the Taiwanese daily Liberty Times reported that Pelosi’s team was scheduled to arrive on Tuesday around 10:20 p.m.

Pelosi continued her tour of Asia on Tuesday with a stop in Malaysia. She had started her trip to Asia on Monday in Singapore. Her office has stated that she will also go to Japan and South Korea, but they have not mentioned that she will go to Taiwan.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Taiwan stated that it was unable to comment on the rumors regarding Pelosi’s travel intentions; nevertheless, the White House stated that she was free to travel regardless of whether or not they confirmed the trip.

John Kirby, a spokesperson for the White House’s national security team, told reporters in Washington on Monday that Beijing’s responses could include the firing of missiles near Taiwan, large-scale air or naval activities, or additional “spurious legal claims,” such as China’s assertion that the Taiwan Strait is not an international waterway. Kirby made these comments to reporters in Washington.

“We are not going to accept the bait, and we are not going to engage in sabre rattling. On the other hand, we will not allow ourselves to be intimidated,” Kirby remarked.

According to reports from four different sources, Pelosi was supposed to have a meeting on Wednesday afternoon with a select number of activists who are vocal about the state of human rights in China.

The National Human Rights Museum in New Taipei City is where the meeting will most likely take place, according to a source who is familiar with the situation and has direct knowledge of it.

If Pelosi were to visit Taiwan, it would be “a blatant intervention in China’s internal affairs,” according to Zhao Lijian, a spokesperson for the Chinese foreign ministry, who also issued a warning that “the Chinese People’s Liberation Army will never sit quietly by.” This statement was made on Monday.

When asked about the potential actions that the PLA could take, Zhao responded with the following: “If she dares to go, then let us wait and watch.”

A visit by Pelosi, who has been an outspoken opponent of China for a significant amount of time, would take place during a time when relations between the United States capital and the Chinese capital are deteriorating.

The White House has expressed their view that the rhetoric coming from China is baseless and uncalled for.

Katherine S

1/4 German, 3/4 Malaysian. I write, follow and monitor closely political news happening in Malaysia, and other happening news in the ASEAN region. Newswriter for the best ASEAN news website - The Asian Affairs.

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