Donald Trump’s access to Facebook and Instagram has been restored by Meta

After a two-year suspension in the aftermath of the deadly riot on Capitol Hill on January 6, 2021, Meta Platforms Inc. has reinstated former US President Donald Trump’s access to Facebook and Instagram, according to a confirmation made by a spokesperson for Meta Platforms Inc. on Thursday. Andy Stone.

In January, Meta said that it would lift Trump’s ban “in the next weeks” and that it would implement increased sanctions consisting of a suspension between one month and two years if the former president broke its content regulations again.

It is now possible for Trump to restore access to crucial platforms for voter engagement and political finance in preparation for a possible second bid for the White House in 2024. As of the beginning of the year, he had amassed 23 million followers on Instagram and 34 million on Facebook.

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Why were Donald Trump’s accounts suspended?

It comes amid a cleanup of internet platforms used by Mr. Trump and his allies by major technology companies. Some legislators and celebrities have advocated on Twitter for years to ban Mr. Trump.

Former First Lady Michelle Obama tweeted on Thursday that Silicon Valley companies should quit backing Donald Trump’s “monstrous behavior” and deport him forever.

Mr. Trump’s account was suspended for 12 hours on Wednesday after he referred to the individuals who stormed the US Capitol as “patriots.”

As the United States Congress sought to recognize Joe Biden’s victory in the presidential election, hundreds of his supporters entered the facility. The violence that ensued resulted in the deaths of four civilians and one police officer.

Twitter told Mr. Trump that he would be banned “permanently” if he violated its terms of service again.

After regaining access to Twitter, Mr. Trump made two tweets on Friday that were considered as the last straw by the business.

In one he penned: “Long into the future, the 75,000,000,000,000 wonderful American Patriots who voted for me, AMERICA FIRST, and MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN will have a GIANT VOICE. They will not be treated disrespectfully or unjustly in any manner, shape, or form!!”

This post is being seen as fresh evidence that President Trump does not want to help a “orderly transition,” according to Twitter.

The president then tweeted, “To all those who have inquired, I will not be attending the inauguration on January 20.”

According to Twitter, “a lot of his fans view this as more evidence that the election was not legal.”

Twitter determined that both of these posts “violated the Glorification of Violence Policy.”

Two Trump allies, former national security advisor Michael Flynn and attorney Sidney Powell, had their Twitter accounts permanently suspended earlier on Friday.

Rush Limbaugh, a conservative radio broadcaster, canceled his Twitter account immediately after they were banned.

Google removed Parler, a self-proclaimed “free speech” competitor to Twitter that is gaining popularity among Trump fans, from its online shop later in the day.

Although detractors said the tweets were a deluge of false material, the platform enabled him to bypass media restrictions and communicate instantaneously with roughly 89 million followers.

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His tweets were also notorious for odd misspellings, and he occasionally left followers wondering with apparent typos, as as when he tweeted, “Despite the continual bad publicity, covfefe.”

In 2017, the Department of Justice described Mr. Trump’s tweets as “official pronouncements of the President of the United States.”

Katherine S

1/4 German, 3/4 Malaysian. I write, follow and monitor closely political news happening in Malaysia, and other happening news in the ASEAN region. Newswriter for the best ASEAN news website - The Asian Affairs.

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