The body of a worker who drowned at the Keppel Shipyard in Tuas has been discovered

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The body of a worker who drowned at the Keppel Shipyard in Tuas has been discovered

At the Keppel Shipyard in Tuas, the body of a worker who had been on a concrete pier when it collapsed and caused him to fall into the water was discovered on Wednesday morning (August 24). The incident occurred two days earlier.

Keppel Shipyard issued a statement on Wednesday in which it expressed its sympathies to the family of the subcontract worker, a Bangladeshi man who was 38 years old, and added that it is working closely with the authorities to undertake an in-depth inquiry and evaluation of the incident.

According to a statement sent by the corporation, “Keppel Shipyard truly regrets this unfortunate tragedy” because “we cherish the safety and lives of every worker.”

On Wednesday, the Singapore Civil Defense Force (SCDF) said that it had collected a body that had been floating in the water near the incident site. The SCDF also stated that the body belonged to a worker who had been pronounced dead at the scene by a paramedic.

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It was approximately 8.30 in the morning on Wednesday when the body was found, according to the police.

A vessel that was berthed next to the pier was damaged as a result of the workplace accident that occurred on Monday morning, according to a spokesperson for the Ministry of Manpower (MOM). The accident occurred when a portion of the concrete pier that a crane was standing on collapsed, causing the crane to topple onto the vessel.

The man, who was 38 years old and working on the pier at the time, was reported missing after falling into the water. Kumarann Marine was the employer of the worker who went missing.

Because of the event that occurred at 51 Pioneer Sector 1 of the Keppel Shipyard, the crane is now half submerged under the sea.

According to the spokeswoman for the Ministry of Manpower, four other workers, all of whom are currently in stable condition despite having received minor injuries, are from Bangladesh, China, and Singapore respectively.

MOM has stated that it is looking into what caused the disaster and has halted all construction activity at the pier while it does so.

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