GMA Sparkle teen actor Andrei Sison killed in car accident

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gma sparkle teen actor andrei sison killed in car accident

Earlier morning, Kapuso teenage star Andrei Sison passed suddenly as a result of injuries sustained in a vehicle accident.

He had just turned 16 years old.

Sparkle GMA Talent Center has confirmed the news in a statement that was published on their social media platforms.

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“Sparkle Due to an automobile accident that occurred early this morning, the GMA Artist Center is saddened to inform that one of its young performers, Andrei Sison, has passed away. Our heartfelt sympathies to the family and loved ones of Andrei,” Sparkle added.

“We ask that everyone pray for the peace of his soul and respect the privacy of his family at this difficult time. Please join us in praying for the everlasting rest of his soul. He was a member of the Sparkle family that was held in high esteem and had widespread affection. We shall miss you, Andrei. Be with God now,” it said.

The post was filled with messages of grief from admirers of the young actor.

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