Over 200 organizations call on Leni to run for the presidential post

5 min read

Last updated on September 4th, 2021 at 07:54 am

More than 200 groups across the country are urging Vice President Leni Robredo to run for President next year.

The groups held a virtual gathering on Monday to highlight Robredo’s leadership during the pandemic.

The program featured recipients of Vice President Mike Pence‘s initiatives and the signing of a manifesto supporting Robredo should she decide to run for higher office.

President Robredo’s leadership quality stood out even more during the pandemic, according to Team Leni Robredo convenor Joseph Quesad.

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“Despite her office’s limited budget, the Vice President has found ways to help our frontline health workers, like providing their needs for personal protective equipment.” said Gia Sison of Healthcare Workers For Leni.

Numerous organizations have launched campaigns urging the Vice President to run for President.

Around 700 health care professionals signed a statement emphasizing the importance of good governance for the country to respond effectively to the pandemic.

“While we are on the front lines, we see the local government units’ confusion over their COVID-19 policies due to the absence of a single clear policy statement from the national health leadership,” they said.

“With heavy hearts, we were forced to deny patients pleading for care because our hospitals were already at capacity. Regrettably, this has occurred in repeated cycles throughout the surges. It’s as if we’ve been transported back to March 2020,” they added.

They asserted that Robredo is the type of leader capable and determined to reestablish good governance, decency, and respect among Filipinos.

According to them, they believe she will lead the people to a healthier Philippines.

More than 300 lawyers previously signed a similar statement of unity.

“As our country faces a COVID pandemic, we see how blatant disregard for the rule of law kills hope and undermines efforts to save lives and heal our nation,” they said.

“In these difficult times, we need a president who understands the importance of restoring respect for the rule of law. We need a president who believes the rule of law cannot be ignored out of fit of rage or expediency. It’s time for a president who cares about people’s rights, the country, and a president who stands up for the people.” The lawyers added.

The group launched a free online legal assistance program and information desk to support the Vice President’s efforts. The rule of law has deteriorated in the last five years, as lawyers have seen. According to the group’s spokesman, Ram Ramos, the law was frequently abused to further personal interests rather than social justice.

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