Johor police allegedly lured another officer’s wife criminally

4 min read

A policeman in Johor is in hot water when a colleague in Melaka accused him of seducing his wife and filed a formal complaint under a contentious and outmoded legislation.

The state police have started an investigation paper under Section 498 of the Penal Code for luring a married lady with criminal intent, according to Johor police head Datuk Ayob Khan Mydin Pitchay.

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If prosecuted and convicted, the Johor officer faces a maximum sentence of two years in prison, a fine, or both.

In a news conference, Ayob Khan said that they got the complaint last Thursday, and the police officer suspected of having an affair with the married woman has also come forward to refute the accusation. Despite the fact that the issue involves their own employees, he said that the police will continue to investigate.

He also added that if the allegation is proven to be accurate, the police force will take necessary legal action.

His remarks were in response to a WhatsApp inquiry on the Johor police’s approach to the matter last week.

According to Malay Mail, the complainant is a 25-year-old Melaka police officer accusing a 23-year-old Johor cop of luring his 24-year-old wife into having an affair.

Both the Melaka officer and his wife reside in Muar, Johor, close to the Melaka border.

Critics of the legislation have long argued that Section 498 should be repealed since it was drafted by colonial British and is based on the antiquated notion that a woman is her husband’s property.

Additionally, Section 498 punishes only the alleged adulterer who is not married, not the spouse who committed the alleged adultery.

Section 498 was recently used in a situation that occurred in May of last year.

According to the New Straits Times, the 24-year-old actor Muhammad Shah Radhi Hazvee, was accused by the public prosecutor on May 29 at the Ampang Magistrate’s Court with luring Nurul Haireena Isnin, who was then married to Syed Mukhris Syed Ismail Shahabudin, into sexual intercourse. The case’s conclusion is unknown since there have been no further press stories on the subject.

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