PH Election 2022 is Filled with Unexpected Delays and Malfunctions

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 Philippines Philippines – Scarcely partially through final voting day, broken elector machines and specialized hardships constrained citizens to stand by hours under the sun just to rehearse their right to testimonial.

The Commission on Elections has conceded that it recorded just about 1,900 democratic machines damaged with “normal issues” around the nation including paper jams, dismissed polling forms, and printing difficulties.

At the Pinyahan Elementary School area in Quezon City, Comelec electing board third part Rowena Nilo know that one vote-counting machine’s SD card was adulterated and taken by a specialist.

She conceded there was no confirmation it very well may be supplanted today, adding that citizens were rather made to pick to pause or trust Comelec to embed their votes later on in the day, which would be seen by survey guard dog bunches present nearby.

In the exceptionally next room in Pinyahan, a VCM broke down and quit working by and large in the wake of being turned on before in the first part of the day. The Comelec, once more, gave no time with respect to when it could send over a substitution.

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The voting region volunteer lead Limuel Lopez shared that the two VCMs closely related to the long queues around the middle. Comelec specialist Kyle Cruz couldn’t say when the substitution SD cards would show up since they would be coming from the Comelec primary office in Malacanang. He added that the SD cards were working fine when they were tried three days prior, while no one else approached them. He was unable to say why the SD card defilement occurred in two locales.

In those cases, electors are left with a decision: pass on their polling forms to the Comelec faculty to embed for them later on perhaps through manual counting in the event that the machines aren’t fixed on time — or sit tight for the fixes so they can embed their votes by and by.

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